If I knew now, what I knew then…

“Time is a construct”…I’m not sure what that means. I’ll probably look that up while I’m writing this, but I wanted to view it with my limited intelligence right now, and then compare that to what I learn after looking it up. And THAT is what I think about both the phrase/saying and time itself. Let me explain further…

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I’m not there…and that’s OK…

There are many movements still that advocate or even proselytize about getting off of Facebook for various reasons from the mundane to the fanatical – it’s all fake, they’re stealing your data, they’re spying on you, mental health, you’ll go to hell. I haven’t been on Facebook in about a decade and it has nothing to do with any of those things…it just kinda happened. So this one day about ten years ago…

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“Free” for the taking…?!

Here goes a rant in 3…2…What is it about human nature that if something is “out in the open” that many people feel that it means that this “something” is available for them to take? Maybe it’s not human nature that lends people to feel free to take things that aren’t theirs so much as it is that they don’t listen to their inner angels that prevent most of us from committing what is, for all intent, a crime. It is still a crime to steal from others, right?!

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If Then…But When…?!

A common theme that seems to have entered around my world lately is the idea of waiting for something to happen or “get done” so that someone can move on with their life. The short story is that, in my experience, it can be a form of procrastination. It’s something that I have certainly been guilty of…but that I feel I have somewhat successfully pushed through for the most part.

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If Everything Means Something, Then Nothing Means Anything!

OK…as interesting, confusing, or stupid as that title sounds, the fact of the matter is that I don’t really have anything to post this week. I’m not really up to “giving a lesson” or “sharing my opinion” on anything. I don’t even know why I quoted those phrases in the last sentence, but I’m not going to try to figure it out or explain why. As the title of my blog says…here’s a stream of consciousness as best as I can do.

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And when I die…

First of all, IF what I believe is correct, then I expect to be sent to the waiting room for a while. But once I get in I’ll start getting things ready for those who believe as I do that will be coming along later. For those of you who do not believe…I’ll put in a good word for all of you! But that’s not really what I want to talk about.

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