I’ve been to the funerals for a parent of two classmates and friends in the last week. With the passing of both of my parents as well as several aunts and uncles in the last few years I’ve had a few realizations. The time has come where this is just how it’s going to be for a few years: my parent’s generation is coming to the end of their years (as morbid or blunt as that may sound). Second: they don’t make people like my parents generation anymore.
These were for the most part self-made people. My father graduated high school but only took coorespondence classes (the precursor to online learning). Yet in his lifetime he managed to raise 3 children, send them all to college, own multiple houses and land, and own several businesses. I think this is a similiar experience to most people of and around his generation. This is especially true after listening to the heartfelt and touching euologies of the past year of funerals I’ve attended.
Here is some of what the greatest generation has taught me:
You don’t have to wield great power to be strong.
You don’t have to know it all to be wise.
In order to truly be at Peace you must have Faith.
Surendering yourself to someone you love doesn’t mean losing yourself.
Own your mistakes, correct, and learn from them…it only makes you better.
The best way to end an argument is with “I’m sorry”.
And now for something completely different: