Yeah…I got nothin’…

bloom-county-underwearOnce again I find myself with little to say. I’m just pretty tired lately. Finally purchased my parents old house, which was both exciting and a little stressful…and bittersweet (I’d rather have my parents still here living in it after all). I actually think my children were more excited and happy with me buying the house than I was. They’re pretty sentimental. I’ve been working on that so much lately that I haven’t really thought much about blogging…and now I find myself with tired-head.Continue reading →

Joe Cool in my life…

joey1This post is about a person who’s been in my life almost as long as I’ve been in my own life. He’s a cousin who’s 5 years younger than I am. I’ve always been very close with all of my cousins (something that I think is lost with the younger generations) and there is one on either side of the family that I have been particularly close to. On my Father’s side of the family is Frankie. On my Mother’s side there’s Joey. Continue reading →


Personal_AccountabilityIf you look at the blog listing at the right you will see my “accountabilibuddies”. This group of rag-tag, fearless, and inscrutable (look it up) bloggers set out at the beginning of the year to blog at least once a week for 52 weeks and hold each other accountable for it. There is in fact a penalty for not having a post out every week by Wednesday midnight. I have been guilty of this offense and in fact this post is coming in late and so the penalty I will pay. Anyways – there is one blogger that is on the list that, for her own personal reasons, is no longer being held accountable…in other words she’s not blogging any more. So why do I keep her name on the list?Continue reading →

A bad night’s day…

Calvin-calvin-and-hobbes-30770693-200-200Today was a really interesting day…not a bad day except for my attitude towards it. I was sort of angry at today. I didn’t sleep well the night before and I had been up late and I ate really too late for myself to expect that I wouldn’t feel bad, so I really shouldn’t have been surprised.Continue reading →

Pipe Dreams…

moneyI got three out of the six numbers in the lottery once…for which I won $3. This got me to thinking that I was half way there…3 out of 6. Half way there man! And so of course my mind took a trip to the possibilities of what I might do if I were to actually get all 6. Here’s my pipe dream list (in no particular order):Continue reading →

In a heartbeat…

60488_470979175589_934807_nA friend asked me an interesting question the other day – she asked me if I had a favorite child. Now the fact of the matter is that I love all of my daughters more than anything in the world – and to choose one as my favorite just wouldn’t be possible. Now having said this I will admit that I always say that Elizabeth, my youngest daughter, is my favorite, but she is the youngest and she is spoiled and EVERYBODY loves Elizabeth. But when all is said and done, they all know they are my favorite…and they all started out in this world the exact same way.Continue reading →

Then you find yourself a message and some words to call your own

My interest in music has always been fueled in part by my love of lyrics. Some of my most favorite lyrics are the ones that tell a story in an interesting and new way. I love the ones that touch my heart, reflect my experience, and have deep and intense meaning. I also love the occasional nonsensical turn of phrase. Here are some of my favorite lyrics in no particular order:Continue reading →